Source code for pyoko.manage

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*-  coding: utf-8 -*-
command line management interface

# Copyright (C) 2015 ZetaOps Inc.
# This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3
# (GPLv3).  See LICENSE.txt for details.
from __future__ import print_function
from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter, HelpFormatter
import codecs
from collections import defaultdict
import re
import json

import time
from os import environ
import os
import sys
from riak import ConflictError

from pyoko.conf import settings
from riak.client import binary_json_decoder, binary_json_encoder
from sys import argv, stdout
from six import add_metaclass, PY2
from pyoko.model import super_context
from pyoko.lib import utils
from pyoko.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
import concurrent.futures as con
from pyoko.conf import settings
from importlib import import_module

[docs]class CommandRegistry(type): registry = {}
[docs] @classmethod def add_command(cls, command_model): name = command_model.__name__ if name != 'Command': cls.registry[command_model.__name__] = command_model
def __init__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): CommandRegistry.add_command(mcs)
[docs] @classmethod def get_commands(cls): return cls.registry.values()
[docs]@add_metaclass(CommandRegistry) class Command(object): """ Command object is a thin wrapper around Python's powerful argparse module. Holds the given command line parameters in self.manager.args Attributes: CMD_NAME: name of your command HELP: help texts starts with "R|" will be parsed as raw text PARAMS: A dictionary list with following possible values. - name: name of parameter - help: help text for parameter. Parsed as raw if starts with "R|" - required: Optional. Set True if this is a required parameter. - default: Optional. Define a default value for the parameter - action: 'store_true' see the official argparse documentation for more info """ # # def _make_manager(self, kw): """ Creates a fake ``manage`` object to implement clean API for the management commands. Args: kw: keyword args to be construct fake manage.args object. Returns: Fake manage object. """ for param in self.PARAMS: if param['name'] not in kw: store_true = 'action' in param and param['action'] == 'store_true' kw[param['name']] = param.get('default', False if store_true else None) return type('FakeCommandManager', (object,), { 'args': type('args', (object,), kw) }) def __init__(self, manager=None, **kwargs): self.manager = manager or self._make_manager(kwargs)
[docs] def run(self): """ This is where the things are done. You should override this method in your command class. """ raise NotImplemented("You should override this method in your command class")
[docs]class BaseThreadedCommand(object):
[docs] def find_models(self): import_module(settings.MODELS_MODULE) registry = import_module('pyoko.model').model_registry model_name = self.manager.args.model params = [prm['name'] for prm in self.PARAMS] if model_name != 'all': models = [registry.get_model(name) for name in model_name.split(',')] else: excluded_models = [] if 'exclude' in params and self.manager.args.exclude: excluded_models = [registry.get_model(name) for name in self.manager.args.exclude.split(',')] models = [model for model in registry.get_base_models() if model not in excluded_models] return models
[docs] def do_with_submit(self, func, iterables, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: func: function name to execute iterables: iterables list to execute with given function Returns: """ threads = kwargs.get('threads', None) or 1 with con.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=int(threads)) as executor: for item in iterables: executor.submit(func, item, *args)
[docs]class Shell(Command): CMD_NAME = 'shell' PARAMS = [ {'name': 'no_model', 'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Do not import models'}, ] HELP = 'Run IPython shell'
[docs] def run(self): if not self.manager.args.no_model: exec ('from %s import *' % settings.MODELS_MODULE) try: from IPython import start_ipython start_ipython(argv=[], user_ns=locals()) except: import readline import code vars = globals().copy() vars.update(locals()) shell = code.InteractiveConsole(vars) shell.interact()
[docs]class SchemaUpdate(Command, BaseThreadedCommand): CMD_NAME = 'migrate' PARAMS = [{'name': 'model', 'required': True, 'help': 'Models name(s) to be updated.' ' Say "all" to update all models'}, {'name': 'threads', 'default': 1, 'help': 'Max number of threads. Defaults to 1'}, {'name': 'force', 'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Force schema creation'}, ] HELP = 'Creates/Updates SOLR schemas for given model(s)'
[docs] def run(self): from pyoko.db.schema_update import SchemaUpdater models = self.find_models() updater = SchemaUpdater(models, self.manager.args.threads, self.manager.args.force ) return updater.create_report()
[docs]class FlushDB(Command, BaseThreadedCommand): CMD_NAME = 'flush_model' HELP = 'REALLY DELETES the contents of models' PARAMS = [{'name': 'model', 'required': True, 'help': 'Models name(s) to be cleared. Say "all" to clear all models'}, {'name': 'exclude', 'help': 'Models name(s) to be excluded, comma separated'}, {'name': 'threads', 'default': 1, 'help': 'Max number of threads. Defaults to 1'}, {'name': 'wait_sync', 'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Wait till indexes synced. Default: False' 'Wait till flushing reflects to indexes.'}]
[docs] def run(self): models = self.find_models() self.do_with_submit(self.flush_model, models, threads=self.manager.args.threads) if self.manager.args.wait_sync: self.do_with_submit(self.sync_flush_model, models, threads=self.manager.args.threads)
[docs] def flush_model(self, mdl): num_of_records = mdl(super_context).objects._clear(wait=False) print("%s object(s) deleted from %s " % (num_of_records, mdl.__name__))
[docs] def sync_flush_model(self, mdl): i = 0 while mdl(super_context).objects.count(): i += 1 stdout.write("\r %s model is synchronizing%s" % (mdl.__name__, i * '.')) time.sleep(0.3)
[docs]class ReIndex(Command, BaseThreadedCommand): CMD_NAME = 'reindex' HELP = 'Re-indexes model objects' PARAMS = [{'name': 'model', 'required': True, 'help': 'Models name(s) to be cleared. Say "all" to clear all models'}, {'name': 'exclude', 'help': 'Models name(s) to be excluded, comma separated'}, {'name': 'include_deleted', 'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Reindex object even if it was deleted'}, {'name': 'threads', 'default': 1, 'help': 'Max number of threads. Defaults to 1'} ]
[docs] def run(self): models = self.find_models() self.do_with_submit(self.reindex_model, models, threads=self.manager.args.threads)
[docs] def reindex_model(self, mdl): stream = mdl.objects.adapter.bucket.stream_keys() i = 0 t = 0 unsaved_keys = [] for key_list in stream: for key in key_list: t += 1 # time.sleep(0.4) try: mdl.objects.get(key).save() i += 1 except ObjectDoesNotExist: if self.manager.args.include_deleted: o = mdl.objects.filter(key=key, deleted=True)[0] i += 1 print("Deleted object found: %s " % o.key) except ConflictError: unsaved_keys.append(key) print("Error on save. Record in conflict: %s > %s" % (mdl.__name__, key)) except: unsaved_keys.append(key) print("Error on save! %s > %s" % (mdl.__name__, key)) import traceback traceback.print_exc() stream.close() print("Re-indexed %s records of %s of %s" % (i, t, mdl.__name__)) if unsaved_keys: print("\nThese keys cannot be updated:\n\n", unsaved_keys)
[docs]class SmartFormatter(HelpFormatter): def _split_lines(self, text, width): # this is the RawTextHelpFormatter._split_lines if text.startswith('R|'): return text[2:].splitlines() return HelpFormatter._split_lines(self, text, width)
[docs]class ManagementCommands(object): """ All management commands executed by this class. You can create your own commands by extending Command class """ def __init__(self, args=None): = "" # self.commands = [SchemaUpdate] self.commands = CommandRegistry.get_commands() if args: input = args else: input = argv[1:] if not input: input = ['-h'] self.parse_args(input) if self.args.timeit: import time t1 = time.time() if self.args.daemonize: self.daemonize() else: self.args.command() if self.args.timeit: print("Process took %s seconds" % round(time.time() - t1, 2))
[docs] def parse_args(self, args): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=SmartFormatter) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Possible commands') for cmd_class in self.commands: cmd = cmd_class(self) sub_parser = subparsers.add_parser(cmd.CMD_NAME, help=getattr(cmd, 'HELP', None), formatter_class=SmartFormatter) sub_parser.set_defaults( sub_parser.add_argument("--timeit", action="store_true", help="Time the process") sub_parser.add_argument("--daemonize", action="store_true", help="Run in background") if hasattr(cmd, 'PARAMS'): for params in cmd.PARAMS: param = params.copy() name = "--%s" % param.pop("name") # params['des'] if 'action' not in param: param['nargs'] = '?' sub_parser.add_argument(name, **param) self.args = parser.parse_args(args)
[docs] def daemonize(self): import sys try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: # Exit first parent sys.exit(0) except OSError as e: print(sys.stderr, "fork #1 failed: %d (%s)" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) sys.exit(1) # Decouple from parent environment os.chdir("/") os.setsid() os.umask(0) # Do second fork try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: # Exit from second parent; print eventual PID before exiting print("Daemon PID %d" % pid) sys.exit(0) except OSError as e: print(sys.stderr, "fork #2 failed: %d (%s)" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) sys.exit(1) self.args.command()
[docs]class BaseDumpHandler(BaseThreadedCommand): """The base class for different implementations of data dump handlers.""" EXTENSION = 'dump' def __init__(self, models, batch_size, threads, per_model=False, output_path='', remove_dumped=False): self._models = models self._batch_size = batch_size self.threads = threads self._per_model = per_model self._output_path = output_path self._remove_dumped = remove_dumped def _prepare_output_multi(self, model): """If printing to a different file per model, change the file for the current model""" model_name = model.__name__ current_path = os.path.join(self._output_path, '{model}.{extension}'.format( model=model_name, extension=self.EXTENSION, )) self._outfile =, 'w', encoding='utf-8') print('Dumping {model} to {file}'.format(model=model_name, file=current_path))
[docs] def dump_data(self): if self.single_file: self._outfile =, 'w', encoding='utf-8') print('Dumping to file {path}'.format(path=self._output_path)) self.do_with_submit(self.dump_model_data, self._models, threads=self.threads)
[docs] def dump_model_data(self, mdl): if self.multi_file: self._prepare_output_multi(mdl) elif self.single_file: print('Dumping {model}'.format(model=mdl.__name__)) model = mdl(super_context) count = model.objects.count() rounds = int(count / self._batch_size) + 1 bucket = model.objects.adapter.bucket self.pre_dump_hook(bucket) for i in range(rounds): start = 0 if self._remove_dumped else i data ='*:*').order_by('timestamp').set_params( rows=self._batch_size, start=start * self._batch_size, ) try: for value, key in data: if value is not None: self.handle_data(bucket, key, value) self.post_handle_data_hook(bucket, key, value) if self._remove_dumped: # wait 1 second to pass for next round print("removed dumped objects from riak, waiting for solr sync") time.sleep(5) except ValueError: raise self.post_dump_hook(bucket)
[docs] def write(self, data): if self._output_path: self._outfile.write(data + '\n') else: print(data)
[docs] def handle_data(self, bucket, key, value): raise RuntimeError('Subclasses must override handle_data method!')
[docs] def pre_handle_data_hook(self, bucket, key, value): pass
[docs] def post_handle_data_hook(self, bucket, key, value): if self._remove_dumped: bucket.delete(key)
[docs] def pre_dump_hook(self, bucket): pass
[docs] def post_dump_hook(self, bucket): pass
@property def single_file(self): return self._output_path and not self._per_model @property def multi_file(self): return self._output_path and self._per_model
[docs]class JSONDumpHandler(BaseDumpHandler): """Writes each line as a separate JSON document. Unlike "json_tree", memory usage does not increase with the number of records.""" EXTENSION = 'json'
[docs] def handle_data(self, bucket, key, value): self.write(json.dumps((, key, value)))
[docs]class TreeDumpHandler(BaseDumpHandler): """DO NOT use on big DBs. Writes whole dump as a big JSON object.""" EXTENSION = 'json' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TreeDumpHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._collected_data = defaultdict(list)
[docs] def handle_data(self, bucket, key, value): self._collected_data[].append((key, value))
[docs] def post_dump_hook(self, bucket): self.write(json.dumps(self._collected_data))
[docs]class PrettyDumpHandler(TreeDumpHandler): """DO NOT use on big DBs. Formatted version of json_tree."""
[docs] def post_dump_hook(self, bucket): self.write(json.dumps(self._collected_data, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
[docs]class CSVDumpHandler(BaseDumpHandler): """This is the default format. Writes one record per line. Since it bypasses the JSON encoding/decoding, it's much faster and memory efficient than others.""" EXTENSION = 'csv'
[docs] def handle_data(self, bucket, key, value): self.write('{bucket}/|{key}/|{value}'.format(, key=key, value=json.dumps(value), ))
[docs]class DumpData(Command, BaseThreadedCommand): # FIXME: Should be refactored to a backend agnostic form CMD_NAME = 'dump_data' HELP = 'Dumps all data to stdout or to given file' DUMP_HANDLERS = { 'csv': CSVDumpHandler, 'json': JSONDumpHandler, 'json_tree': TreeDumpHandler, 'pretty': PrettyDumpHandler, } PARAMS = [ {'name': 'model', 'required': True, 'help': 'Models name(s) to be dumped. Say "all" to dump all models'}, {'name': 'path', 'required': False, 'help': 'Instead of stdout, write to given file'}, {'name': 'threads', 'default': 1, 'help': 'Max number of threads. Defaults to 1'}, {'name': 'type', 'default': 'csv', 'choices': DUMP_HANDLERS.keys(), 'help': """R| csv: {csv} json: {json} json_tree: {json_tree} pretty: {pretty} """.format(**{name: handler.__doc__ for name, handler in DUMP_HANDLERS.items()}) }, {'name': 'batch_size', 'type': int, 'default': 1000, 'help': 'Retrieve this amount of records from Solr in one time, defaults to 1000'}, {'name': 'per_model', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False, 'help': 'Split the dumps per model, placing the data of each model into a seperate file. ' 'When this setting is used, path is required and should refer to a directory, ' 'in which the dumps will be placed.'}, {'name': 'exclude', 'help': 'Models name(s) to be excluded, comma separated'}, {'name': 'remove_dumped', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False, 'help': 'Remove dumped data from database'} ]
[docs] def run(self): import os batch_size = self.manager.args.batch_size type_ = self.manager.args.type output_path = self.manager.args.path per_model = self.manager.args.per_model remove_dumped = self.manager.args.remove_dumped models = self.find_models() threads = self.manager.args.threads # If per model dumps are requested, the path must be specified and must be a directory if per_model and not output_path: print('If per model dumps are requested, the path must be given!') sys.exit(1) if per_model and not os.path.isdir(output_path): print('If per model dumps are requested, the path must be a directory!') sys.exit(1) dump_handler = self.DUMP_HANDLERS[type_](models, batch_size, threads, per_model, output_path, remove_dumped) dump_handler.dump_data()
[docs]class LoadData(Command, BaseThreadedCommand): # FIXME: Should be refactored to a backend agnostic form """ Loads previously dumped data into DB. """ CMD_NAME = 'load_data' HELP = 'Reads JSON data from given file and populates models' CSV = 'csv' JSON = 'json' TREE = 'json_tree' PRETTY = 'pretty' CHOICES = (CSV, JSON, TREE, PRETTY) PARAMS = [ {'name': 'path', 'required': True, 'help': """R|Path of the data file or fixture directory. When loading from a directory, files with .csv (for CSV format) and .js extensions will be loaded."""}, {'name': 'update', 'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Overwrites existing records. ' 'Since this will not check for the existence of an object, it runs a bit faster.'}, {'name': 'type', 'default': CSV, 'choices': CHOICES, 'help': 'Defaults to "csv". See help of dump_data command for more details' }, {'name': 'threads', 'default': 1, 'help': 'Max number of threads. Defaults to 1'}, {'name': 'batch_size', 'type': int, 'default': 1000, 'help': 'Retrieve this amount of objects from Solr in one time, defaults to 1000'}, ]
[docs] def run(self): from pyoko.conf import settings from importlib import import_module import_module(settings.MODELS_MODULE) self.registry = import_module('pyoko.model').model_registry self.typ = self.manager.args.type self.buckets = {} self.record_counter = 0 self.already_existing = 0 self.prepare_buckets() self.threads = self.manager.args.threads if os.path.isdir(self.manager.args.path): from glob import glob ext = 'csv' if self.typ is self.CSV else 'js' self.do_with_submit(self.read_each_file, glob(os.path.join(self.manager.args.path, "*.%s" % ext)), threads=self.threads) else: self.read_file(self.manager.args.path)
[docs] def read_each_file(self, file): self.read_file(file) self.record_counter = 0 self.already_existing = 0
[docs] def prepare_buckets(self): """ loads buckets to bucket cache. """ for mdl in self.registry.get_base_models(): bucket = mdl(super_context).objects.adapter.bucket self.buckets[] = bucket
[docs] def read_file(self, file_path): with, encoding='utf-8') as file: if self.typ in (self.TREE, self.PRETTY): self.read_whole_file(file) elif self.typ == self.JSON: self.read_json_per_line(file) else: self.read_per_line(file) if self.record_counter: print("%s object(s) inserted." % self.record_counter) if self.already_existing: print("%s existing object(s) NOT updated." % self.already_existing)
[docs] def read_whole_file(self, file): data = json.loads( for bucket_name in data.keys(): for key, val in data[bucket_name]: self.save_obj(bucket_name, key, val)
[docs] def read_per_line(self, file): for index, line in enumerate(file): try: bucket_name, key, val = line.split('/|') self.save_obj(bucket_name, key, val.strip()) except ValueError: if line.isspace(): pass else: print("There is something wrong in line %d of the %s file %s." % (index + 1, self.typ,
[docs] def read_json_per_line(self, file): for line in file: bucket_name, key, val = json.loads(line) self.save_obj(bucket_name, key, val)
[docs] def save_obj(self, bucket_name, key, val): key = key or None if key is None: data = val.encode('utf-8') if self.typ == self.CSV else val self.buckets[bucket_name].new(key, json.loads(data)).store() self.record_counter += 1 else: obj = self.buckets[bucket_name].get(key) if not obj.exists or self.manager.args.update: = val.encode('utf-8') if self.typ == self.CSV else val = json.loads( self.record_counter += 1 else: self.already_existing += 1
[docs]class TestGetKeys(Command): CMD_NAME = '_test_get_keys' HELP = 'tests the correctness of the bucket.get_keys()'
[docs] def run(self): from pyoko.conf import settings from importlib import import_module import_module(settings.MODELS_MODULE) registry = import_module('pyoko.model').model_registry models = registry.get_base_models() empty_records = set() seen_in = defaultdict(list) for mdl in models: print("Checking keys of %s" % mdl.Meta.verbose_name) bucket = mdl.objects.adapter.bucket for k in bucket.get_keys(): obj = bucket.get(k) if is None: empty_records.add(k) seen_in[k].append( if empty_records: print("Found %s empty records" % len(empty_records)) for mdl in models: print("Searching wrong keys in %s" % (mdl.Meta.verbose_name,)) bucket = mdl.objects.adapter.bucket for k in list(empty_records): obj = bucket.get(k) if is not None: empty_records.remove(k) print("%s seen in %s" % (obj.key, seen_in[obj.key])) print("But actually found in %s" % print("- - -") print("These keys cannot found anywhere: %s" % empty_records) else: print("\n\nEverything looks OK!")
[docs]class FindDuplicateKeys(Command): CMD_NAME = '_find_dups' HELP = 'finds duplicate keys, to help debugging'
[docs] def run(self): from pyoko.conf import settings from importlib import import_module import_module(settings.MODELS_MODULE) registry = import_module('pyoko.model').model_registry models = registry.get_base_models() keys = defaultdict(list) for mdl in models: print("Checking keys of %s" % mdl.Meta.verbose_name) model = mdl(super_context) is_mdl_ok = True for r in model.objects.solr().raw('*:*'): if r['_yz_rk'] in keys: print("%s found in %s previously seen in %s" % (r['_yz_rk'], mdl.__name__, keys[r['_yz_rk']])) is_mdl_ok = False keys[r['_yz_rk']].append(mdl.__name__) if is_mdl_ok: print("~~~~~~~~ %s is OK!" % mdl.Meta.verbose_name)
[docs]class GenerateDiagrams(Command): CMD_NAME = 'generate_diagrams' HELP = 'Generate PlantUML diagrams from the models.' SPLIT_APP = 'app' SPLIT_MODEL = 'model' SPLIT_NO = 'no' SPLIT_CHOICES = (SPLIT_NO, SPLIT_APP, SPLIT_MODEL) PARAMS = [ {'name': 'model', 'required': False, 'default': 'all', 'help': 'Models name(s) to generate diagrams for. Say "all" to generate diagrams for all models'}, {'name': 'path', 'required': False, 'help': 'Instead of stdout, write to given file'}, {'name': 'split', 'default': SPLIT_NO, 'choices': SPLIT_CHOICES, 'help': """R| %s : Generates a single diagram containing all models. %s: Generates seperate diagrams for each app. Requires path. %s: Generates seperate diagrams for each model. Requires path. """ % SPLIT_CHOICES } ] # Representations of the different link types _one_to_one = '"1" -- "1"' _one_to_many = '"1" -- "0..*"' _many_to_many = '"0..*" -- "0..*"' # Markers used to denote required and null _marker_true = '*' _marker_false = ' ' # Extra padding, placed after field names and types _padding_after_name = 3 _padding_after_type = 2 # Class start and end delimiters _class_start = '\n\nclass %s<<(M,orchid)>>{' _class_end = '}\n' # Markers for the start and end of the apps _app_start = '\npackage %s{' _app_end = '}' # The beginning and the end of the diagram _diagram_start = """@startuml skinparam classAttributeFontName Monospaced skinparam classBackgroundColor #FFFFFF skinparam classBorderColor #D8D8D8 skinparam packageBorderColor #BDBDBD skinparam classArrowColor #0B615E skinparam shadowing false title <size:24>Entity Based Model Diagram</size> ( All Models extends <b>pyoko.Model</b> class ) endtitle """ _diagram_end = "@enduml" # Prefixes for the items _field_prefix = ' ' _nodelist_field_prefix = '|_' # The function used to print output. Replaced with one that prints to file when path is given _print = print
[docs] def run(self): from pyoko.conf import settings from importlib import import_module import_module(settings.MODELS_MODULE) registry = import_module('pyoko.model').model_registry selected_models = self.manager.args.model apps_models = registry.get_models_by_apps() selected_by_app = list() # Pick the selected models from each app for app, app_models in apps_models: if selected_models != 'all': selected_from_app = [model for model in app_models if model().title in selected_models.split(',')] else: selected_from_app = app_models if len(selected_from_app) > 0: selected_by_app.append((app, selected_from_app)) to_file = self.manager.args.path split_type = self.manager.args.split if to_file and split_type == self.SPLIT_APP: self._print_split_app(to_file, selected_by_app) if to_file and split_type == self.SPLIT_MODEL: self._print_split_model(to_file, selected_by_app) else: self._print_single_file(to_file, selected_by_app)
def _print_split_model(self, path, apps_models): """ Print each model in apps_models into its own file. """ for app, models in apps_models: for model in models: model_name = model().title if self._has_extension(path): model_path = re.sub(r'^(.*)[.](\w+)$', r'\1.%s.%s.\2' % (app, model_name), path) else: model_path = '%s.%s.%s.puml' % (path, app, model_name) self._print_single_file(model_path, [(app, [model])]) def _print_split_app(self, path, apps_models): """ Print each app in apps_models associative list into its own file. """ for app, models in apps_models: # Convert dir/file.puml to dir/ to print to an app specific file if self._has_extension(path): app_path = re.sub(r'^(.*)[.](\w+)$', r'\1.%s.\2' % app, path) else: app_path = '%s.%s.puml' % (path, app) self._print_single_file(app_path, [(app, models)]) def _print_single_file(self, path, apps_models): """ Print apps_models which contains a list of 2-tuples containing apps and their models into a single file. """ if path: outfile =, 'w', encoding='utf-8') self._print = lambda s: outfile.write(s + '\n') self._print(self._diagram_start) for app, app_models in apps_models: self._print_app(app, app_models) self._print(self._diagram_end) if path: outfile.close() def _print_app(self, app, models): """ Print the models of app, showing them in a package. """ self._print(self._app_start % app) self._print_models(models) self._print(self._app_end) def _print_models(self, models): # Generate the models & their fields for mdl in models: model = mdl(super_context) self._print(self._class_start % model.title) fields = [] fields.extend(self._get_model_fields(model)) links = model.get_links(link_source=True) fields.extend(self._format_links_fields(links)) fields.append(('', '', '', '')) # Empty line fields.extend(self._format_listnodes(self._get_model_nodes(model))) self._print_fields(fields) self._print(self._class_end) # Generate the links of the current model self._print_links(model, links) def _print_fields(self, fields): """Print the fields, padding the names as necessary to align them.""" # Prepare a formatting string that aligns the names and types based on the longest ones longest_name = max(fields, key=lambda f: len(f[1]))[1] longest_type = max(fields, key=lambda f: len(f[2]))[2] field_format = '%s%-{}s %-{}s %s'.format( len(longest_name) + self._padding_after_name, len(longest_type) + self._padding_after_type) for field in fields: self._print(field_format % field) def _format_listnodes(self, listnodes): """ Format ListNodes and their fields into tuples that can be printed with _print_fields(). """ fields = list() for name, node in listnodes: fields.append(('--', '', '', '--')) fields.append(('', '**%s(ListNode)**' % name, '', '')) for link in node.get_links(): linked_model = link['mdl'](super_context) null = self._marker_true if link['null'] is True else self._marker_false fields.append((self._nodelist_field_prefix, link['field'], '%s()' % linked_model.title, null)) fields.extend(self._get_model_fields(node, self._nodelist_field_prefix)) return fields def _get_model_fields(self, model, prefix=_field_prefix): """ Find all fields of given model that are not default models. """ fields = list() for field_name, field in model()._ordered_fields: # Filter the default fields if field_name not in getattr(model, '_DEFAULT_BASE_FIELDS', []): type_name = utils.to_camel(field.solr_type) required = self._marker_true if field.required is True else self._marker_false fields.append((prefix, field_name, type_name, required)) return fields def _get_model_nodes(self, model): """ Find all the non-auto created nodes of the model. """ nodes = [(name, node) for name, node in model._nodes.items() if node._is_auto_created is False] nodes.sort(key=lambda n: n[0]) return nodes def _format_links_fields(self, links): """ Format the fields containing links into 4-tuples printable by _print_fields(). """ fields = list() for link in links: linked_model = link['mdl'](super_context) null = self._marker_true if link['null'] is True else self._marker_false # In LinkProxy, if reverse_name is empty then only reverse has the name # of the field on the link_source side field_name = link['field'] or link['reverse'] fields.append((self._field_prefix, field_name, '%s()' % linked_model.title, null)) fields.sort(key=lambda f: f[1]) return fields def _print_links(self, model, links): """ Print links that start from model. """ for link in links: if link['o2o'] is True: link_type = self._one_to_one elif link['m2m'] is True: link_type = self._many_to_many else: link_type = self._one_to_many linked_model = link['mdl'](super_context) self._print('%s %s %s' % (model.title, link_type, linked_model.title)) @staticmethod def _has_extension(path): """ Returns true if path ends with an extension. """ return'^.*[.]\w+$', path) is not None